Things to read...

If time is short, I'd suggest reading at LEAST The Prologue and Legend of The Pinto Bean Posts!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Quick Update!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to announce that tomorrow will begin my month or so long string of breakdowns and misadventures as I travel around thge country, and jump in various bodies of water. Keep a watch to see when/where I'll be next! Also, i'll try to update if I do any interviews or radio stuff so that you can listen or avoid at all costs, depending on your views! Anyhow, it appears that this is gonna happen, so wish me luck!

And as always, donations are VERY much appreciated! (and needed... )


Anonymous said...

Be safe!

MM said...

Hey bro, I'm linked you...
Steak and beers on me if you come down this way!

Art said...

If you come through Salt Lake City you have a place to stay.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck on your trip. I've not seen a route on your site, and you may not have one planned out. But, if you make it to Flagstaff, Arizona, I've got a beer with your name on it.