Things to read...

If time is short, I'd suggest reading at LEAST The Prologue and Legend of The Pinto Bean Posts!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Johnson City Press

Well ladies and gentlemen, as I mentioned before, the Johnson City Press has run an article about my rolling catastrophe. Hopefully the people who've e-mailed me claiming I was a scam artist will now see that I am in fact actually for real, and probably not to sharp anyhow! Well here is a link to the story, so please go read it and enjoy!! I hope to be able to post on their website as a second blog!!


Sandra said...

Hi Daniel,

I am also a Johnson City native and saw the article in the newspaper today! You should pick up a copy of Peter Jenkins book "A Walk Across America" as he lives in Tennessee!

Thanks for your service to the U.S. and I will be viewing your travels across the country! Best, Sandy

Sandra said...

Hi Daniel,

I just added my email to my profile! I am also going to add another Johnson City blog that you may like. Sandy